Therapy for Active Military and Veterans

Extreme change is complicated.

Sometimes change is what we need exactly, but it is still tough.

Walking away from everything we know takes an emotional toll. You formed relationships on a level so much deeper than possibly imagined.

Isolation in the smaller world that you created leads to disconnection from the larger outside world. Those contradicting feelings can leave people feeling unsettled and unsure how to deal with the inconsistencies.

Military training is part of the transformation.

A letter home,

Basic Military Training is going alright. It has been a huge challenge, but truly something that I feel is needed in my life to provide direction and gratification. They yell at us all the time, and we are always sleep-deprived, which I wasn’t expecting. It has been hard adjusting. Just last week, our instructors came into our bunks, untucked all our sheets, and flipped all our mattresses over; then, they made us do all of that work again. We get in trouble if it isn’t perfect. One of the beds had someone still sleeping in it!

Our flight mate is ok, but things are getting a little stressful for a lot of us. We can’t even smile without worrying about having to do a bunch of pushups or sit-ups. Some of us can handle it better than others, but we all try to help each other out because we are all one team. I miss you so much; it is difficult not to be able to call home or see you.

I am ready for it to get easier

Stress can take its toll.

For military members, life experience is so much different from that of a civilian. Being taught to deal with constant stress and be prepared for the unknown leads to a constant state of heightened awareness. You must be aware of everything and cautious of everyone. Eventually, feelings of security are a distant memory.

A letter home,

It’s crazy hot out here. Deployed is crazy. I can’t say much else about the base, operations, or what is going on here. It is hard not answering your questions, but at the same time, I don’t even want to talk about what is going on in my life. Just know the crazy things I had to do in training have come in handy. Every day, it is something new. The stress is exhausting. I am always on high alert with persistent anxiety in my chest. Sometimes my heart feels as if it might burst inside my chest.

Last week, three people from my unit didn’t return due to injuries. Another two were put on hold due to mental stress. I wonder if I could be next, but I keep pushing along because I have a duty to keep my brothers and sisters safe. I don’t want you to worry, but I feel that this could be a little more than I bargained for at the beginning. I miss you, and I am sorry things have been so difficult with me being away.

I will keep going

Life outside the military is different.

After spending so much time in the environment created inside the military, it isn’t easy to picture any other way of living. Trying to picture gaining fulfillment from a civilian job is difficult. After so many goodbyes, living in one place with people who already had a life together is hard.

Feeling different, not fitting in, and missing the life you lived for all that time is isolating. You feel guilty for all the moments missed because you were away, not knowing how to participate, while constantly questioning if you made the right decisions. Never fading exhaustion is part of your life.

A letter home,

After serving these past ten years, I have finally agreed to separate from the Armed Forces. I know everything is different back home; I missed out on so much with you all. It seems like I miss out here, too.

I have lived in different places, always so far away from you and never for long enough. I have had to leave so many times, so many goodbyes. Adding to that, losing friends and colleagues. I am just tired.

They say my therapist will help me transition back to civilian life. It is just so confusing; I feel guilty about everything I missed; I might even be an outsider in my own family. Being in the military is all I’ve known for so many years. I am not sure I even know how to come home.

It is time for another goodbye

The isolation creeps up, and everything around becomes suffocating.

The feelings of emptiness take over, and hope is lost. After everything that you sacrificed, how can this be what is left? Wondering if it is normal to feel like a stranger around the people who the world calls “your family.” That path leads to a dark road full of terrifying emotions, pain, unhappiness, emptiness, and more missed moments.

Now, you feel like you are left with a life unlived. Realizing it is time to find someone to talk through these complicated emotions can seem overwhelming. For so long, you packaged those emotions inside to avoid severe consequences. Let us do the unpacking with you. Here at Mental Embrace, we want to walk with you through the dark corners of your path, working to help you find the light.

A letter home,

I am sorry it has been a while since I wrote. The transition was a lot harder than I imagined. I felt isolated but unable to reach out. I thought no one would understand; I wasn’t even sure I did. My days started to consist of nothing like I didn’t even exist. I was starting to feel useless and didn’t belong to anything purposeful. I got set up with a therapist. At first, I wasn’t sure, but I tried it out for a few sessions; I am starting to

see that I am more than the uniform. We are exploring the possibility of me having a new purpose in life. I think I might get to use the skills and mindset that I gained from my time in the military and put them to good use. My therapist aided me by helping me to rationalize that by trying new things, I can figure out what I am good at outside of the military and help me be the best version of myself.

I am not alone

Call us today; we can work with you to determine what comes next for you.

Our goal is to support our military members by offering them a safe place to express themselves without judgment.

We are here to help you develop the skills you need to cope with the changes in lifestyle, family dynamics, and any of the changes inside you.

Regain control of your life, stop missing out on the moments you want to be a part of in your life. Your free 15-minute consultation is only a phone call away.