Building Communities

We live in a world where nothing ever stops.

Calls, texts, emails, and social media keep us directly connected to the world’s chaos but disconnected from the people around us. Is how you feel the result of loneliness, a lack of motivation, or a loss of self? Is it time to find a community where you can grow and socialize?

Finding a healthy and productive place to fit in can be difficult. We build communities that incorporate common interests and support to promote healing and self-improvement.

At Mental Embrace, we recognized that a critical factor in improving mental health is helping people build a strong, supportive community for themselves. We are working to build those communities virtually, to start.

Receive encouragement to accomplish your goals.

Are you struggling to find the motivation to exercise or eat a healthy diet? Join our community.

We design programs that provide structure and encouragement toward creating healthy habits.

Our program offers a place to find encouragement to reach challenging goals – a place full of affirmations and positive values.

Our community offers a safe place to express struggles, overcome obstacles, and grow with others seeking similar goals.

Our community encourages innovation.

If you are struggling to find people with whom you can share creative genius, we are building a community for that, too.

We provide a safe place to share ideas without judgment as you learn about new tools and creative processes.

Here, you can participate in therapeutic creativity with other like-minded individuals. This place allows you to express and be yourself.

Here is a place to find balance.

Perhaps, you struggle to find a balance between being a new mom and a person.

Find solace in knowing there is a place to express those frustrations and feelings of exhaustion without judgment here with us.

Our place allows you to share new experiences, including the beautiful and the messy ones.

Here is a place to find support and helpful life hacks – where you can be you.

Our goal is to grow and develop therapeutically structured communities.

We want communities that allow everyone a place to feel like they belong. We have been building the communities that hit close to home for us. Please let us know what communities you want to build with us.

We have a few more communities in the works:

  • Owning a small business and accessing community
  • Entrepreneur support community
  • Gaming community
  • Emotional healing and well-being community

Please share any ideas you may have of ways to continue growing and developing healthy and helping communities.

The right community makes a difference.

For now, our communities will remain mostly virtual, allowing us the opportunity to reach as many people as possible.

We will offer in-person group gatherings for our community members throughout the year.

As we progress, our goal is to do wellness gatherings regularly and offer our community members many opportunities for individual growth through the support of a healthy and healing community.

Call or email us today to become a part of our communities.