
The to-do list is never-ending.

Not getting enough sleep. Feeling guilty taking time for self-care.

Living in a society that expects us to be on top of our game all the time is exhausting.

Burnout feels like you are at your wit’s end but can’t stop. It is mind-blowing that when we step back and ask ourselves, “Am I getting enough in return?” – the answer is so often no.

When things are at their worst, we might not even remember how to receive from others anymore.

The to-do list is exhausting.

Burnout is like the act of drowning. You might get moments where your head is above water, but it is only long enough to snag a quick breath. Then, you are back to struggling so quickly you can’t even enjoy it.

Burnout is when you spend every ounce of energy just waking up each day. And even though you feel completely drained, there is still a growing to-do list already a mile long.

Another missed phone call; calling them back is something else to add to the to-do list, hoping they understand and worrying that they won’t. Sometimes you wonder if ignoring people when they reach out is easier than constantly declining plans or conversation.

Burnout feels too exhausted to explain that you feel exhausted.

Burnout makes you feel used up.

Burnout is like passing out gum to everyone with their hand out and then looking down and realizing you do not even have a stick of gum left for yourself.

Burnout is when everyone has things going on in their life that are of the utmost importance and need attention. And even though you, too, are going through a lot, people still dump their stuffing onto your plate.

Another email comes near bedtime, but you must complete this incoming task before tomorrow morning’s workday. The laundry is still not done, and the neighbor asked you to shovel the snow because their kids couldn’t make it over today.

Burnout is feeling guilty saying “I won’t be able to take care of that today.”

Being overextended can create burnout.

Burnout is like scheduling to watch a movie, attending a work meeting, and agreeing to cook lunch all at noon. It is impossible to squeeze in ten hours of work into an eight-hour workday and expect it to be perfect. But your boss seems to expect it, and you have bills to pay, so you need the job.

Work is spilling over into the kids’ school activities, meetings occur over the phone while driving home, and you must cook dinner once you get home. If you don’t clean the house tonight, it won’t happen, so the meal must be mobile.

Burnout is when it’s time for bed and realizing you didn’t even ask your family how their day was – thinking you probably wouldn’t have had the brain capacity to listen to their answer anyway.

The longer things go on the way they are, the larger the toll.

Experiencing burnout is more than being tired; burnout drains you of everything you can give, but you feel obligated to give anyway.

If this goes on for too long, eventually, you stop being able to go.

Things become so chaotic that the exit to the situation is no longer in sight.

It’s time to include YOU in the to-do list.

You don’t have to figure it all out on your own.

Our therapists have received training to work with you to overcome the obstacles and barriers in your life that make it hard for you to enjoy living.

Sit down with us, let us listen to your story, and together we can figure out ways to help you build the life you want to live.

Let’s schedule a virtual session around your busy schedule today.